EVN Efforts to Promote Rooftop Solar Power

EVN’s members have installed 3.2 MW of rooftop solar power and more than 1,800 customers have installed this system nationwide.

With the characteristics of topography, climate and weather, Vietnam has the potential to develop solar power. Thanks to the policy to encourage the development of electricity from renewable energy, many solar power projects have been invested and built.

However, according to experts, the massively concentrated development of solar power poses the risk of grid overload and unsafety in the operation of the power system. Trillions of dong have been given to strengthen and upgrade transmission lines and substations (including 500 kV super high-voltage grid) to be able to absorb the approved capacity.

Currently, rooftop solar power is highly appreciated by many experts because it does not take up land area and helps to increase effective heat resistance for buildings. This system is installed on a small scale on residential roofs, commercial buildings, factory roofs, factories, etc. with a scale of a few kW to MW.

Common solar panels with a capacity of about 290-350Wp are designed as panels with an area of ​​​​about 1.9 m2. If the roof area is about 20 m2, 10 panels can be installed, the maximum electrical power obtained is about 3 kWp, enough for common electrical equipment in a family.

Thanks to its small scale and distributed installation, rooftop solar power is often connected to the existing low- and medium-voltage grids, without the need for additional investment in the transmission grid system. This system is also installed in many rooftops in cities and industrial zones, so it has the effect of reducing the overload of the transmission grid from traditional power sources, which are often located far from population centers.

Rooftop solar model.

With many advantages of the rooftop solar power system, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has carried out many activities to encourage the use of this system, creating favorable conditions for businesses and individuals to invest in the development of the solar power system. Development and installation on roofs of headquarters buildings, operating works, substations…

At the end of 2018, more than 3.2 MW of rooftop solar power capacity was installed at construction projects under EVN’s member units, of which 52 kWp were installed at Hanoi Electricity Corporation. , the Central Power Corporation accounted for 352 kWp, the Southern Power Corporation accounted for 1,985 kWp. Nationwide, it is estimated that 1,800 customers have installed this system with a total capacity of 30.12 MW.

However, a representative of EVN said that the development of rooftop solar power is still difficult due to the high installation cost, about 20-23 million VND per kWp of capacity. Therefore, the cost of electricity produced is not competitive. According to meteorological surveys, the North and North Central regions have fewer hours of sunshine than the South Central and Central Highlands regions, and investment efficiency is still low.

During the seminar “Promoting the development of rooftop solar power in Vietnam” on February 27, EVN’s leaders also made some recommendations such as continuing to propagate and promote the benefits of solar power development. attic, encourage organizations to install systems or put in place mechanisms to support households.

“The government needs to have a mechanism for investors (third parties) to invest in rooftop solar power; donors, banks, international and domestic organizations deeply participate in the market. Meanwhile, manufacturers, suppliers, and installers coordinate with EVN and other power units to propagate, advertise and provide solutions and services to support this market expansion”, said the business representative. request.

Tam Anh

Source: According to Vnexpress newspaper

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